Thursday, 27 October 2016

White Class Communication and Language Focus

White Class have had a wonderful time reading 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?'  Our children explored the outdoor area and used their telescopes to hunt for animals from the Brown Bear story.  Children were asked, "Brown Bears, Brown Bears, What do you see?" We learned to reply in a full sentence, and say "I see a _ looking at me."
We see a purple cat! A PURPLE cat!
Look, there's a yellow duck in the playground!

Red Class - Squiggle While You Wiggle

In Red Class this week we have particularly enjoyed and been particularly skilled at using our dancing arms to go up, up, up and down, down, down for the straight line practise for writing, later progressing to the letters  'l', 'u', 'i' , 't' ...

We danced to the Jackson Five song A-B-C and then swapped our dancing arms for writing hands. Everyone did fantastically well. Well done Red Class!

Zayed went over to the writing table after to practise and show me, as did many other children. How lovely to consolidate new learning.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Yellow class- Literacy focus

This week we started our topic book 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear'. We have learnt the names of the animals and the colours from the story.

We have loved learning all the words and phrases of the story and we are really good at it. Mrs Farah was so impressed she even recorded us reading the story. We hope you enjoy listening to it.

Audio recording and upload >>

We have also been busy making our own Brown Bear books that we can read to you at home this weekend.
Sharing our Brown Bear stories with each other
Our books

Its been a really fun week and we have really enjoyed reading and learning the Brown Bear story. We are all excited about what we will be doing with the story next week.

Blue Class - Expressive Arts and Design

We have been busy learning all about colour!! We have been developing our skills in experimenting with blocks, colours and marks. We read a super story about a Chameleon and talked about how they can change colour. We used different colours of paint and paper plates to create our own colour changing Chameleons! Colour also links with our topic book this week; 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' The children have been colouring and painting the different animals from the story, trying their best to match the colours to the book. 

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Welcome to the FS1 blog!

Welcome to our brand new FS1 blog. We will be posting updates on all the fun things that we do in FS1 and cant wait to share them with you. Please feel free to share this blog with family and friends and our map will track if people from around the world login to see our blog. We hope you enjoy it. Its very exciting. Our first update will be next Thursday.