Monday 23 January 2017

New Shared Area

FS1 have been enjoying our newly set up shared area! We changed all the areas and added lots of enhancements, new toys and resources. We have a wonderful reading area, a malleable area, a sand area, water area, a role play home corner, an investigation area, a big construction area, a small world area, a painting area and an area for sticking and making! What a lot of learning and exploring ... 

Thursday 19 January 2017

Silly Soup Phonics Activity

FS1 have been singing a song and putting rhyming objects into a bowl to make silly soup e.g. a hat, a cat and even a rat! Would you like to try our silly soup?

Green Class enjoy Each Peach Pear Plum outside.

This week FS1 have been learning the story 'Each Peach Pear Plum'. It is a wonderful story and has characters from familiar nursery rhymes and traditional stories. Green Class enjoyed using actions in our outside environment to help us remember the story. We then took turns to read the story by turning the pages and saying it. I am sure you can see in the photos below how much we enjoyed it.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Welcome back

Welcome back to all our FS1 children and parents and a very happy New Year!
We hope you have all had a wonderful holiday packed with fun and family time.
Thank you so much for sharing your home snaps of your holidays with your class. The children love sharing these photos with their friends and they give us a great opportunity to develop their language skills. If you have not send any in please feel free to email your class teacher some.

We can't wait to celebrate our new topic by having our PJ party on Thursday. Hopefully we can save you a biscuit. 😉