Thursday, 9 February 2017

Yellow class make a splash!!

Wow Yellow class had so much fun in their first swimming class. The adults were so proud of how everyone got changes and all went into the water. We had an amazing time. We couldn't stop smiling. Have a look at our photos and see ...

Learning to represent numbers in FS1

This week in FS1 we have been learning how to represent numbers. One of the activities in green class was to use paint and number stampers, printing them on paper to represent the number. We had a lot of fun doing this as the pictures below show!

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Red Class Junk!

Red Class have really enjoyed junk modelling over the last two weeks in class. We have made all sorts of things from handbags to sunglasses, rockets, binoculars, telescopes, kites.....
It has been a fantastic tool for the children to express themselves using complex language whilst learning new vocabulary too. It has been such a creative exercise and it's amazing to see and learn what things the children are interested in and how creative they can be!! look at Lawson's 'guitar'  - so simple but imaginative!!

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

😍 White class made a blue car 


                       💓😍Today we made a card all about family 

استمتع طلاب الصّف الأخضر بممارسة أنشطة حرف الفاء 😊

Monday, 6 February 2017

Phonics and letter formation in FS1

We have started learning how to write our letter sounds in FS1. So far we have learnt 'i', 'l' and this week we learnt 't'. When we learn the letter sound we think about things that start with that sound and then practice writing it. We really enjoy learning to write our letters in FS1 and love to write them everywhere.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Fun With Funky Fingers In Blue Class!

In FS 1 we have now started our Funky Fingers sessions... these are a lot of fun!
These consist of short activities that we do to music almost every day. These activities are designed to help children develop the muscles in their hands and fingers so they are prepared for writing. You can try these at home too! P interest has some fab ideas.
If you would like to see how its done in school, please come to our open morning (for all FS 1 classes) on Tuesday 7th February at 8.15am.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

The Three Bears Porridge

This week White Class have been eating a breakfast of porridge like the Three Bears. But we've added some of our own fruits to it to make it even tastier. Have a look at our healthy options for eating porridge. Go ahead and make some yourself.
