Thursday, 24 November 2016

FS1 Red Class- The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Red class have really enjoyed our first week of 'The Very hungry Caterpillar' this week and have had a special focus on new vocabulary. Alongside this area of learning in the story, they have enjoyed watching me 'nibble' through all the things the Hungry Caterpillar eats. The children have giggled lots whilst I've been doing this which was very cute to see.

They have even been practising to be Mrs. Dowland. Some children wanted to take it in turns to teach their friends some of the tricky words in the story; e.g. 'plum', 'salami', 'pickle' and 'cocoon'. They did a really good job! I think I'll sit back and let them take over next week!

Ashleigh trying to teach her students! It looks like she's pleased with the results! Thumbs up all round :)

Saif tries his skills at being the class teacher next. Look how hard he is concentrating!

Meera had the tricky challenge of teaching her little group the word 'cocoon'. She also did very well.

Wouldn't it be lovely if some of you did choose to be a teacher when you are all grown up?

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